Our Heritage

Polar Capital Technology Trust plc (PCT) was launched in 1996 as the successor to TR Technology Trust, the first dedicated London-listed investment trust investing in global technology companies.

PCT is now a FTSE 250 company with a long-established shareholder base consisting of a variety of professional investors and also a large number of individual investors.

The Trust is managed by a team of 11 specialist professionals under lead manager Ben Rogoff. Ben has been the lead manager since 2006, having joined PCT in 2003, and has 25 years’ experience investing in technology stocks.

PCT offers investors a broad exposure to the global technology sector and has a capital growth mandate. The investment team has discretion on how much they allocate to any one region, to any size of company and to any subsector/theme, thus allowing them to take advantage of where they see the best opportunities at the prevailing time of investment.

The technology sector is ever evolving with many major trends emerging and previous models falling by the wayside. The team looks for the new technologies that are starting to establish themselves to give investors a selection of stock exposures as, while it is often hard to know the exact winners, the team’s expertise is also in establishing the direction of travel. The team also looks to avoid those business models which are under attack from newer technology trends that can become value traps for investors.

Overall, the Trust aims to give investors an active, diversified and core approach to this large and exciting investment space. The Polar Capital Technology Trust team is knowledgeable, driven, long-serving and collegiate; a setup that should give PCT shareholders confidence in their manager and strong reassurance in the team’s abilities and expertise.

The technology sector is an ever-changing investment universe. Disruption is fuelling digital transformation, where existing companies having to change their business model, even their entire DNA, to reinvent themselves. This dynamism creates opportunities for technology investors.